Thursday, 24 February 2011

Co- Creation.

How does it feel to have full power over creating your own life? Awesome right !
 Yes, we create and manifest our thoughts to the Universe, but maybe all may not have our highest happiness in store.

But, if we co- create our life with God, we sure will achieve our highest good.

Eager to learn on how to make your thoughts a reality?
Here you go !

1. Imagine that you are a golden being. Golden light is all around you. Spread your aura 9 feet around you. Imagine you are a golden angel, wearing a golden crown, sitting on a golden thrown.

2. Feel at peace. Affirm that you are a peaceful soul.

3. Affirm that you have a mind but are not this mind. You have a body but are not this body. You have feeling and emotions but are not these feelings and emotions. You have a behavior but are not this behavior.
You are pure consciousness. Your intent is pure.

( Feel peace in your heart, 3rd eye and gut)

4. Speak out loud: In the name of the divine, I declare my soul intent and co- create that _________________
5. Visualize clearly what you want to co- create.. each detail should be clear. You are sending the message to the Universe, it must be crystal clear. Keep only the end result in mind and now how to get to the end result.

That's it -) Then thank your angels !

example, if someone is arrogant, focus on that the person is very peaceful, uses normal loving tone to talk to you; see them in pink light and you are having a normal conversation with them.


When someone has wronged us it is like a poison arrow has struck our hearts. What should we do with it? Should we leave it inside us to keep the wound constantly bleeding, or should we pull it out, destroy it, and let the wound heal?
Forgiveness is throwing the arrow into a fire and erasing it completely from our lives as well as our consciousness so that even the memory of the experience is totally forgotten!
But we should forgive the other person also, as when we are born we have the plus and minus in our karmic charts. We have to erase the minus and increase the plus.
The minus are decreased many a times, when negative incidents happen in our life. So that way, we need to forgive the other person as he was the one who created the negative incident in our life and now we are through with it.
We have to forgive ourself too for that part in the karma since we would have done something in the past to have generated it.

We should forgive by violet flaming the situation ( as described in the previous posts)

Headaches? Migraines? Stomach Aches? Insomnia?

If head aches and migraines impede your work, happens frequently then.. you can affirm 3 times: My head is light and happy.

You can cup your hand, put it infront of your forehead ( dont touch it)  and visualize violet + silver light coming out of your hand.

If you have a stomach ache then imagine violet and silver light coming out of your hand, moving over your stomach/ intestines ( not touching it) and heeling your system.

Visualize black energy going out of your system and violet coming in.

You can visualize a green later on after the violet.

If Insomnia, affirm 3 times before going off to bed: I'm sleeping peacefully and calmly.


Affirmations are the statements that are made to achieve a goal by telling our bodies about it.
Every affirmation should be repeated 3 times because we have 3 major bodies: physical, mental and emotional.

You can make affirmations yourself or just google for some nice ones !
For example, when physically tired, you can affirm something like: my legs are light and strong as a feather!

When Cravings, look at the food/ chocolate ;-) - These chocolates are harmful for my bodyand will not have them. I have had enough !

They are simple, powerful and effective.

Silencing Human Nonsence

When the other person troubles you to the core, indulges in activities to annoy you etc or when your colleagues bother you too much or pestering clients >>

Read the following affirmation 3 times:

I'm the presence calling upon " _____" demanding and commanding you to silence your human nonsense instantaneously now and turning your inner light for divine guidance and action.

Imagine that person and that he behaving with your properly.

You can also do the blue cross/ robes/ wall technique alongside for extra protection, as described in the earlier posts.

Mind. Sub, super conscious.

There are 3 layers in our mind.

Sub-conscious mind: This is like a vessel under our conscious mind. This has no brain of it's own. It can't think for itself. If our conscious mind throws any thought into it, our sub- conscious mind absorbs it.
This is where we put our thoughts from any situation.
That's why it's said to never scare kids. Always encourage them.

Conscious Mind: Thinking mind. Our logical side. Not on auto- pilot mode. It's a very powerful tool given by God to change our lives thanks to our actions and thoughts.

We can clear our sub- conscious mind by our conscious mind.

Super Conscious Mind: Mind of our higher self, i.e. the Godly self.

It's the divinity within you, until the conscious mind decides to tap into the super conscious mind.

By itself, the super conscious mind wouldn't guide you.

So how do we tap into the super brain? Ask through your guides, angels to help you get guidance from the super conscious mind or you could just address the super - conscious mind directly.

It's only in meditation when the super conscious mind responds that is only when we are connected are we ready for it.


Dimensions is a vast topic. I'll just cover the very basics for our benefit.

Dimensions are vibrational reality. The cells of our body are on a particular vibrational level.

The people born in 60's, 70's are at the 3rd vibrational level.

For the people of the late 80's and 90's- they are at the 4th level.

And the kids born in the new millennium are at the 5th level. These are the crystal kids. They have very high energy. No guilt. No shame. Very compassionate. No or very little past karmic debt. They have been born to generate peace in this world.

Now why do these dimensions make a difference?

God/ God's vibration starts at the 364th level.

The ascended masters are at the 6th and higher levels.

Earth is in the 4th dimension level, going to the 5th.

For us if we want to go to the higher levels, we meditate. Then our body cells start vibrating higher.

You can affirm while meditating: Dear God, I affirm that the cells and electrons of my body vibrate along with yours.

But, our bodies can't hold the higher vibrational level for too long, only in a meditative state can it. With a lot of meditation you can feel your body at higher levels.


Simple Definition- Being in loving Energy of God

Quick Connection to God!

Simply say - I love you God. 10 times. 15 times. 20 times. However many times. Say it loud, you'll feel the vibrations and the connection will be super fast !

I tried it today !

If you want to go 1 step ahead- imagine green/ heart chakra opening up and expanding and God's light pouring on it -)

Get Connected !

Prayer for Karmic Debt Release.

In the name, love, wisdom and power of my beloved creator, I declare my soul intent

That I do not lose whoever and whatever are connected to me through the love source in this process

To release my Karmic debts and obligations of all incarnations as a gift from my creator

To receive an unlimited focus of such divine Love in my life & world that I become a being of light and make my ascension in this physical body. Now.

I'm a co- creator with God!

And so it is Tathatsu

The above has to be read 3 times in a go, for 90 days continuously to remove 51% of your past karmic debts.
Ofcourse in our past lives, we have done good and bad, for which we get good and bad in this life.
hence the prayer is very helpful..

The rest 49% can be removed by good deeds and the techniques in this blog -)

Do it , this is prayer will change things for you !

New Year - 2011

This New year is very special as it has a quality of the infinite reflections.

What does infinite reflection mean? Ever stood beside 2 parallel mirrors facing each other? What do you see? Infinite reflections of yourself correct?

So whatever you visualize, is reflected infinite times in this new era ! Making the law of attraction and co- creation far more powerful than before !

So from now on, you can visualize however you see yourself but you can go an extra mile by visualizing with the mirrors !

Happy Attracting !

Peace & Happiness

Visualize peace in your heart, brain and gut.
Visualize peace through your body--> Aura.

You can visualize peace, by holding a happy and calm image of yourself or by being submerged in white golden light.. filling your body.

Affirm 3 or more times- I'm peace. I'm a peaceful soul.

Imagine bubbles of joy coming from the gut--> heart--> 3rd eye.

If sad, consciously see yourself as an enlightened Buddha.

Think of 2 mirrors by your side, and then see your infinite reflections in it, as happy & peaceful.
Hold this energy.

Thinking right is affirming right.

Perfect Health

Everyone wants perfect health !
How do we get that? By eating right yes and exercising too, but still not always perfect.

So, think of your chakras rotating like a sphere.--> giving perfect energy with perfect speed.
Feel your aura vibrating vitality, youth and vigor ( like an Elf ! ).
Feel immense calm in your body, soul and mind.
Affirmation-> I call upon my pineal and pituitary glands to produce only life giving and life affirming ( strengthening)  hormones now and forever eternally self sustained.

Tap on your 3rd eye, when you affirm it. Affirm 3 times.

Quick recap on few chakras-->
Root / red chakra for materialism
Naval/ yellow for sentiment. If anxiety in your life/ disturbed relation- then stomach upset.
Green is for heart chakra
Blue chakra gets energy from the heart. if throat blocked, then bad throat chakra, which implies you have something inside yourself you'd like to voice out but you aren't doing that. 

Indigo- pathway to God. It's a 2 way Chakra, for God to see you and for us to see God.

Quick Colors.

Violet + Golden --> for a situation if you or the other is depressed/ need more energy.

Violet + Silver--> Calming down yourself/ other.

Ego. Soul

Short Note, but a deep one.

It is our Ego that needs affection. Our soul is self- sufficient.

How we Originated. 144 Soul Extensions. 2012.

Ever wondered how we originated? Darwin's theory? Big Bang? Etc etc eh?

Alright so spiritualism has another theory to propose..

This divine spark, also called spirit, is our true identity. The monad, or spiritual spark decided, with its free choice, that it wanted to experience a denser form of the material universe than it was living in.
Each of our monads, with the power of its mind, created twelve souls. It is as though the monad put down twelve fingers of fire, and at the end of each finger are the twelve individualized souls. Each soul is a smaller and partial representation of its creator, the monad. The soul has also been referred to as the higher self, super conscious mind and higher mind.

What we have here so far is that God created infinite numbers of monads or spiritual sparks, and each monad then creates twelve souls to experience a denser form of matter than previously experienced. Each soul, then desiring to experience an even denser form of the material universe, creates twelve "personalities" or "soul extensions" who incarnate into the densest material universe. We on Earth are personalities, or soul extensions of our soul, just as our soul is an extension of a greater consciousness which is our monad. Our monad is an extension of even a greater consciousness which is God, the Godhead, the Father and Mother of all creation.

So each of us on Earth has a soul family, so to speak, of eleven other soul extensions. The eleven other soul extensions could be incarnated on the Earth, or some other planet in God's infinite universe. Our other soul extensions could also not be incarnate in a physical body at this time, but could be existing on one of the other spiritual planes of existence.

Our eleven other soul extensions or personalities could be looked at like our immediate soul family. Extending this metaphor further, we also then have an extended monadic family. Each of us has twelve in our soul group, and 144 in our monadic group.

The Ascended Master, Djwhal Khul has stated that there are 60,000 million monads working through our earthly planetary system. If one would multiply 60,000 million times 144, one would have the number of soul extensions or personalities involved in the process of reincarnation on this planet.

God--> Monads--> 12 souls or 12 branches--> each branch had 12 soul extensions >> 144 soul extensions.


Confused? Fickle Minded?

Simple tip- Say this in your prayer: Dear God, I'm aligning my intent with yours so that you can connect me to the right people, at the right place at the right time.
Please help synchronize my life.

That easy :)

Prayers- Be smart with God !

We are in the era where we can be smart with God and get our results quickly !
Didn't you know that?

Yes, we don't have to sit for 100 years like priests in the old days had to, to get answers.

21 days- is what it needs ! We are in the era of Violet- highest vibration, hence the quick results !

So how can you be smart with God?

Say it in your prayers:
For my highest good and happiness instantaneously now !
If any lesson has to be learnt then please make it easy for me.

Dear God, align your will with mine and guide me. Please tell me what you have in mind for me, Angels, please pour forth your light into my brain, soul and body.

You can also say this every morning- Dear God, I'm willing, I'm ready. I'm here. Please guide me.

Fantastic prayers- short and sweet.

Say it daily and feel the change in your life.

Faith. When everything seems lost.

there are times in our life.. when we don't succeed.. when we feel low.. when we feel no-one is listening to our prayers and that everything is happening against us.

yes, even i feel that sometimes, even though I' the one writing this blog.

Faith gets tested yes, but we require such tests to keep us on the track I feel.

If you feel the same, convey to God in your prayers -
Maybe, my faith is not good enough. Please help me again and show me the miracle.

Say it. Believe it. Ask your angels to talk to God and show you the light.


Usually in mdeitation, we never really chant.
But this one time, my mentor decided to make us chant..

It was a very different experience, one we weren't used to.. but it was exhilarating for most.

The chant was simple: I'm light. I'm love.
I'm light. I'm love....... .....
Visualize alongside- golden flame in your heart. Which then grows into your heart... and then the golden flame fills up your room.

Chant- loud, soft, fast, slow.. keep chanting the way you want to, with different tones and moods !

After a few mintues, you will feel, connected with God. You will. trust me.

It's best felt if you do it within a group, then you feel the connection faster, but that doesn't mean you can't feel it if done in solitude.

Try it!

Anxious. Stressed.

Ofcourse there are times in our life when we get stressed, feel overworked and life seems like an utter mess !
What to do then? Yes, there is a solution for that too in new age meditation..

Affirm to yourself- negative thoughts you can't control my mind ! You cannot have my energy ! Affirm this 3 times or more. Take a violet bath simultaneously. 

When you feel your faith is being tested, simply talk to your angels about your problem and ask them to pass God this message:

God, I know you have the right answer for mr.
I can't see it yet, but you can see it.
So please help me out.

God, I let go and let you in.

When in doubt, ask God: What is it you want me to do?

Divine Belt

We always want others to like us, don't we?
When we go for a party or an interview or a date, we want the other person to be impressed by us..

Yes, one way could be by asking our angels to talk to their angels to suggest they like us.

The other way is that we could create a divine belt around us. How do we do that?
Think that we have a golden aura and expand it ! Expand it as much as you can- 9 feet around you preferably.

I had to go for a very important conference, and I was so anxious as I thought no one would take me seriously.. I used the divine belt and angel technique before entering the hall- it worked. Fantastic eh !!

So now you can make an effect, wherever you go !
Happy practicing !

Wednesday, 23 February 2011


Violet is a purifying color. It has the highest energy amongst all the colors. It removes the negative energy and fills us up with positive ( Golden, God) energy. 

In life, we have a number of negative experiences. The aim is for us to learn from them, but unfortunately they still hurt.. But, now we have a technique which can help us forget the hurt, which thereby helps us forgive the other person.
How do you achieve this?
Simple, think of the negative experience and violet flame it. keep violet flaming , whilst you think about the details of that situation.
Say it loud: All the negative energy from this situation will not affect me anymore and will end now.
I forgive myself and the other person for the part we played to create the situation.

Still can't forgive or feel the hurt.. violet flame it a number of times..

From my experience, I had a horrible break up and I couldn't let go those hurt feelings and everytime I'd think of those memories, I'd be filled with negative emotions. I wanted to let go of the burden of hurt and anger, but I couldn't.
I violet flamed, all those conversations which caused me the anguish, all those arguments I had had in the past.. and ya.. I'm free of that hatred. I have forgiven the other person and that's it. It feels great .. :)

If you feel tired, like currently I am while writing this blog, simply give violet light to yourself. So I just took a 30 seconds break and bathe myself in Violet shower soaking my brain.

It's quite refreshing !

My suggestion is that everyday while bathing, imagine that the water which is cleaning your body is violet and when the visualization becomes clear, affirm 3 times: Violet light ever purifying ever activating. Please purify my body, mind, soul and consciousness at all levels, dimensions and aspects permanently now. Give me the purity that God desires !

Easy and effective. I love you violet :) Hence I bought many violet clothes ;-)

Blue - Protection _ Hate

Blue is a very important color, since it helps you stay away from negative emotions, negative feelings, negative people etc.
So every morning, put a blue wall of protection around you. Imagine you are in a blue room or a blue sphere covering you and your aura ( white) in color. Do it every 24 hours and you will be saved from other people's bad intentions. People these days anyways don't always show what they really think about you. So try and practice this daily..

Now, if you really dislike someone, you can't even stand to see their face, they always give you negative feelings, then imagine that you cover them in blue robes ( like an Egyptian mummy) or put a blue wall between you and them ( while you are talking) or hide them behind a blue cross, that you can't see them - then you will realize that the other person can't affect you.

You can keep your aura protected from him/ her.

Pink- Love- Love- Pink.

Pink. What do you think of first? Hope not girls and the stereotype obsession with pink !

Pink is the color of love.. that's why we have pink everywhere when love needs to be symbolized.

So, how can pink help us?

If you love someone or think of someone with negative emotions or you absolutely dislike someone then.. imagine a pink shimmery ( goldeny) sphere.Enter it and then invite the other person(s) to enter it. Call upon their names. There is pink light inside the sphere and wait a few minutes so that you and the other people can be fully soaked in pink.. then when your auras are all blazing in pink, imagine that all of you are happy, smiling , joyous. You may feel jumpy.. you are all laughing..
then affirm - that all issues between me and ____ are resolved. I have a happy and loving relation with the other person.

:) I tried it, it worked.

EMF - Aura Clearing.

The EMF stands for Electro Magnetic Force. Just like the way magnet has the forces going from North to South and South to North, the same way our body has this force running like a cycle in a clock wise direction.
If the magnet breaks or gets chipped at a point, then the forces gets disrupted/ break/ become uneven.

Our aura is composed of 4 bodies- physical, mental, spiritual and emotional.

Similarly, if we have a problem in any of our our bodies- mental, physical, spiritual or emotional- then this force gets disrupted.

To clear our aura, we have to do the EMF technique once every 24 hours. Just the way we get rid of the germs on our body by taking bath, we should do the EMF as it's a bath for our aura's too.

How to practice ?

1. Call upon your guides- Speak it : Dear guides, I love you and honor you and thank you for all you have done for me. Please connect me to the highest cosmic and planetary heirachy of light- the heavens, the Archangels, the Ascendant masters, saints and Gurus of all religion. We thank you for being here with us.

Then, imagine, that your room is full of golden beings, and your God's are there with you.

Then imagine, a huge sun above your heard, showering golden light upon you. Golden light is raning upon you. This is your IAM presence. The light passes through you and is soaked by the Earth.

Then- pull up the light from your feet, and imagine light is going up covering your entire bone system in golden light. Imagine each and every bone bathing in golden light. Scan your bones and
After this affirm to your self- I'm anchoring the light permanently in my bone system now.

2. From the huge sun above your head, imagine a concentrated beam of light entering your brain. It then lightens up the spongy part of your brain in golden light, both side receiving an equal amount. Then imagine the light going to the 3rd eye, then the pituitary gland between our eye brows behind the 3rd eye ( this gland helps in visualization ). Then at the centre of the brain there is another gland, light that up and behind that there is the Thalmus, glowing like a butterfly's wings.
Then send the light to ponds, which is at the base of the neck. it's an oval shaped egg type of an organ, where all nerves meet. after giving it light- it glows liek a golden egg, then send the light to your spinal cord.

Then affirm- I'm anchoring the light permanently in my brain and spinal cord system now.

3.  From the huge sun above your head, imagine a concentrated beam of light entering yourbody, reaching the :
thyroid gland in the throat- stimulate it with light.
then the thymus gland which is the rejuvenation gland that makes us younger. stimulate it. feel the inner smile come up when you stimulate it. it's situated 3 cms below the thyroid gland and in between the heart.
then send light to your 2 adrenalin glands, triangular shaped they are.
then send it to the pancreas--> liver ( largest gland in our body) --> reproductive glands.

Your glands should be glowing in golden.
Then affirm- I'm anchoring the light permanently in my glandular system now.

4. Pull up the light from your feet, reaching the root chakra which is an the tip of the spinal cord, it's like a red ball. when light ray reaches it, it bursts open like a sparkler with red and golden sparks coming out of it.
then send it to the orange chakra- orange ball above the red chakra.repeat the procedure as for the red one.
then the yello chakra  ( in our naval area) above the orange one- repeat the process as above, but this one should open up like a beautiful sunflower.
then the emerald green chakra - next to our heart, repeat the above, and expand this to fill your entire chest area. this is the God chakra.. after stimulation it should look green and golden.
then the blue chakra/ throat chakra- stimulate it- blue and golden sparkler type.
then the indigo/ 3rd eye chakra- indigo and golden
and then the violet chakra in our bain: opening up like a 1000 petalled lotus.. with golden in the middle.

your chakras should be rotating properly now. Affirm to yourself- i'm anchoring the light permanently in my chakra system now.

brief note about chakras: they are connected to our needs/ wants. e.g. if you don't have enough material comforts and feel unhappy about it- then your red chakra will not function properly and it will stop rotating. hence you have to stimulate it, so that this works and then your material problems will be eased.

similarly the yellow one is for emotion. hence, that's why many a time when one has emotional probelms, the stomach gets affects. This is because the yellow chakra is in the naval area.

Note- you may only face darkness when you try and visualize. But have faith, you will be able to visualize it all. It's happened with me too. But carry on and you'll soon emerge as a winner.

Guides. Angels.

Before I tell you about the meditation techniques, I think it's best, if I tell you a little bit about our angels.

Not many people are aware that God has given us these loving caretakers, who always look out for our best. God has put them with us, so that they can always help us do things.

Alright, if a mother has a young kid, for whom she's scared that he/ she will get hurt while playing. Then what do you think she will do? She will go with the child or send someone with him/her.
Also, maybe sometime in your life, you feel that wow.. I was saved, that was a miracle.. like for me, I was saved from 2- 3 road accidents.. and I honestly don't know how.. but I think I know now -)

In the same way, when we are born, God has given us these 2 Angels, who look out for us and help us. They are there for our personal service. They have one foot in our vibration and one foot in God's vibration. So if we want to send a message to God- just send it through the Angels and be sure it will be delivered.

Angels were never human. They have the property to multiply themselves dependent on our needs and spiritual power.
God has made angels of a particular quality- peace, good health, joy, friendship, love, intelligence, career, guidance, wealth, abundance etc.
They were never human. They can multiply themselves. They are beings of light.

Caution- never use the angels to harm or interfere with any one. Otherwise the penalty you'd have to pay would be 1000 times worse. Trust me.

I'm sure you want to know how to use the angels! Well just say : Beloved Angels, I love you and honor you. thank them ! (Since until now they haven't been called by you and so now feel the happiness that you will feel and they will feel !!)
you can imagine 2 angels/ 2 golden being of light at your shoulders. That's where they are situated. 

So, if you enter a party, where you'd want people to like you : just ask your angels, to go talk to the other people's angels- that they suggest the other people to like you.

If you want a parking space: just ask your angels to help you get the parking space outside the particular shop.

So, as you can see you can use your angels for anything. If you want to get up in the morning at whatever time, tell them, that I'd liek to get up at so and so time, please wake me up.

Your angels love it when you send them off to do your work ! That's why they were created by God in the first place -)

Now I'm sure you must wonder what's the difference between Power of prayer and power of angels.
When we pray, we are sending our prayer in a very generalized manner, we have no clear concept of God in mind and don't hence know where it's directed.

But our angels know exactly which vibration of God to address.

Another way to get what u want quickly is to ask for the angel of the particular quality you need.
E.g. if you have a friend you have had a fight with. Ask God to send angels of friends love. -)
Change of guides: As we advance spiritually, our guides change too. God gives us guides of higher vibration.
When there is a change in guides- there is a void as the old guides have left us and new ones are yet to come.
So you can start feeling low, hate the world etc.. it's a testing period. Soon you'll skip a beat when the new ones come !

So step 2- start using your guides now !!

Monday, 21 February 2011

Expanding God's Light.

In the initial few days or months, you may have difficulty connecting with the Divine or visulaizing. Don't fret, it takes time. But trust me, it's so worth it -) Have faith and you'll be just fine !

So, just the simple basic to help you start: light a candle if you'd like. Look at the flame.
Imagine: the flame, the golden light is in your heart. That is the light of the God.

Expand it. Breathe out and think of the flame/ light covering your chest area- lungs and the ribs cavity. Expand it more that is breathe out and imagine the light flowing in your abdomen area entering into all your organs in that area.
Expand the light more, think of it as a flowing river. end of the day, light is a wave, an energy so let it flow into your legs, hips, back, neck, arms, face and brain.

Take this further, imagine light is now coming out of your hands and feet and covering you that is if you extend your arms you are still enveloped in the light. This is your aura.

You are a being of light now. Your whole body is golden. This is God's energy.
 Feel at peace. Sit in it however much time you can..

New Age Meditation

What is new age meditation? In simple words, it is a very cool form of meditation where you don't have to sit for hours or fixed number of minutes or control your breath or sit uncomfortably !

It is the energy meditation or color meditation, where in we visualize .. we visualize colors , as colors symbolize certain characteristics. We visualize whatever our mind can conceive so that we can achieve, with the help of the Universe. It transcends beyond idols of Gods.. it has to do with the ultimate source, the Divine light, the Divine power.

There are a number of techniques in this meditation- to clear our Aura, to balance our energies etc.

You can purchase this book called  The Descent of The Feminine Energy by Veena Minocha. It's not available in bookstores, so you can contact me for it. It reveals some very interesting things about new age meditation techniques.

I'm the Spiritual Student.

Hello dear reader,

I think it's best I tell you why I'm writing this blog and what you and I can hope to achieve through this.

I'm fairly young and after a stressful stint at a corporate job, I felt a kind of soul unrest. I wanted to move ahead, learn new things and not just be stiffed by my job. I left my job and came back to my hometown. I then heard of a meditation group starting in my locality, and for free. I was much enthused about it and charged ahead to join the group, which started in July. The lady, my spiritual guide, is a lawyer by profession and an ex- banker. She started practicing mediation about 15 years back and since then has been conducting sessions to spread the knowledge. She is a noble lady, who has helped transform many lives. Her oldest meditation group dates back 12 years, so if it's still continuing then ofcourse, that means there is definitely some power.

I always knew, that there is some sort of a power which exists in this world.. through the experiences I have had in my life. The power I'm talking about is stated in my favorite book - The Alchemist, yes I think you can guess, it says: if you really want something then the entire Universe helps you achieve it.

So, to explore more about meditation, it's powers and in the hope to quench my curious soul, I forged ahead to join it.

I'm writing this blog, so that I can dissipate the knowledge I'm gaining through my new age meditation classes.
I hope that through this blog, you and I both learn the techniques to change our lives and I'm still very young in this, so as I go ahead, I hope to share my experiences with all of you.

Happy reading & practicing.