Wednesday, 23 February 2011


Violet is a purifying color. It has the highest energy amongst all the colors. It removes the negative energy and fills us up with positive ( Golden, God) energy. 

In life, we have a number of negative experiences. The aim is for us to learn from them, but unfortunately they still hurt.. But, now we have a technique which can help us forget the hurt, which thereby helps us forgive the other person.
How do you achieve this?
Simple, think of the negative experience and violet flame it. keep violet flaming , whilst you think about the details of that situation.
Say it loud: All the negative energy from this situation will not affect me anymore and will end now.
I forgive myself and the other person for the part we played to create the situation.

Still can't forgive or feel the hurt.. violet flame it a number of times..

From my experience, I had a horrible break up and I couldn't let go those hurt feelings and everytime I'd think of those memories, I'd be filled with negative emotions. I wanted to let go of the burden of hurt and anger, but I couldn't.
I violet flamed, all those conversations which caused me the anguish, all those arguments I had had in the past.. and ya.. I'm free of that hatred. I have forgiven the other person and that's it. It feels great .. :)

If you feel tired, like currently I am while writing this blog, simply give violet light to yourself. So I just took a 30 seconds break and bathe myself in Violet shower soaking my brain.

It's quite refreshing !

My suggestion is that everyday while bathing, imagine that the water which is cleaning your body is violet and when the visualization becomes clear, affirm 3 times: Violet light ever purifying ever activating. Please purify my body, mind, soul and consciousness at all levels, dimensions and aspects permanently now. Give me the purity that God desires !

Easy and effective. I love you violet :) Hence I bought many violet clothes ;-)

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