Friday 31 May 2013

How to understand fear & overcome it

I have learned to live without fear (most of the time, anyway).
Life has dealt me with some bad cards that I have lived through and am much stronger as a result of working on my Self, and I must continue in my pursuit of happiness.
This is not bragging, but I deeply and sincerely KNOW that there is a power out there that has been holding me by the hand all the way to wherever I want to go. I have a strong belief in life in that whatever happens, happens for a reason and this reason is always told to us in either verbal language, a timing of a sort, an event, through a person, a telephone call or a thought that just comes out of thin air, or to go to some unexpected place and I take action to
get there ASAP, as if it is a MUST DO NOW thing.
I have extreme confidence in life; honestly, at one point my life, could not get any lower, it just had to get better…and it did, because as I sat sobbing my guts out to my higher power, I knew that at one point, all this would stop and I would see a rainbow. I would sit and pray out loud or in writing or in silence, repeating the same strong words, phrases or anything that would come to my mind and it would provide me with all the energy I needed to get through this period of pain, or fear or dissatisfaction. At the end, I would feel a relief that was renewing and felt as if I had gone on a long vacation.
Another thing, I mostly pass these times on my own since they are rightfully my doings and find it is my responsibility to deal with them on my own in conference with my higher power. In my personal opinion, talking it over with a friend, lover, or family member or a doctor does not do it. Everything that happens to me is my own doing and it must be my own undoing. Period.
If I need strength, I crash my mind with poems that I have read and memorized, repeat them over and over until a time comes when I feel peaceful and rejuvenated. I get a signal in my head that this is enough and it is time to stop, so I attempt to wind down; however, the repetitions still keep coming to my mind. The power I receive subsequent to this experience is beyond anyone’s imagination.
In the past, I used to tell others about these experiences but I do not share them now, because they are just too personal for anyone to actually grasp the scope of power that this generates, so I keep quiet (with the exception of now), because I believe that this is the right atmosphere in which to do so.
I am thinking of one particular prayer now – it goes like this:
“Light! Light!! Light!!! In!!! Action!!!
Blaze! Blaze!! Blaze!!!
In!! Through!!! And around!!! Me Now!!!
Protect Me!!! With Your Invisible Cloak!!!
Of a Server!!!
Make Me!! Your!! Magic!!!
To Which Is Drawn!!!
All The Good!! Things!!! That I Need!!!
To Fulfill!! Your Will!!! Through Me!!!
In My!! Present!!! Lifestream!!!
As Quickly!! As Possible!!!
In The Here!! And In The Now!!!
Light!! Light!!! Light!!! In!!! Action!!!
It is Done!! It is Done!!! It is Done!!!
Now, when repeated, this prayer lights the bulb in my brain so
brightly, I can actually see and feel it glow! Every word becomes
alive with action – and I am actually on the street, walking up
the hill…with nobody around me, of course, or they would really think I am out of my mind, yet, I am extremely sane and powerful
at that moment. I can repeat this for as long as I see fit.
I put strength in every word as I articulate perfectly because,
as I tell myself, I must be clear and visualize that this is in
fact true because indeed, it is.
I once stated this prayer over the telephone to a friend in the
U.S. (I am up in Canada), he said that my voice could make a
building collapse, it seemed that powerful at the time. I pray
in a true blue fashion and the response cannot but be in the
In the aftermath of such an execise, which can last for hours,
I feel so pure and energetic, I am flying high in the sky and
nobody can bring my strength down.
I also make up words that rhyme and sing a tune that I suddenly
make up and repeat over and over.
I had a challenge paying my bills due to health reasons; I came
up with a tune to match the following words:
“God is Prosperity!
He takes good care of me!
He pays my bills for me!
In their entirety!”
As I sing these words, I am dancing up a storm and twirling
away as my 2 cats, (Olga and Freedom) look on, they seem to
be smiling at me and I laugh back, pick them up and include
them in my song and dance.
I also do hours of a variety of affirmations and other prayers.
Now, with all these actions, how can my requests not be heard?
Things happen quickly and I claim, expect and accept them into
my life this very second as I speak. It is pure magic!
When I have had enough, my Mind informs me that it is time
to stop.
Life is a challenge every single day, and it is up to us to work
within ourselves; nobody can live our lives for us. As we take
care of our daily challenges, we must look at ourselves in the
mirror and review every facial line and affirm that if we do
nothing about our situation, 10 years from now, they will be
multiplied so it is imperative to take care of this in the Now.
It isn’t easy to do.
On my desk next to my computer I have sentences written in bold
(I have a page of information on the Power of Focus).
I read daily inspiring books that make me feel good.
It feels good to feel good. (A saying by Esther from Abraham).
I listen to self-help videos on You Tube: hypnosis; affirmations;
success stories, etc.
I sing my prayers on a daily basis.
I am presently reading 22 Tools to Transfer Fear and this
has strengthened my belief system.
I prepare moderately good food for my body, although I have
a sweet tooth and from time to time decide to enjoy sweets,
then, I fall flat and take some. I go for a period of taking
only the good stuff, but I also remind myself I am human and
need to play in this world, that I am a work in progress. I
would really get bored if I were perfect, I wouldn’t have any
friends, my children, grandchildren, brothers and sisters and
the world would run away from me and I need them in my life,
for now, anyway.
So, fear is not an issue on a general basis, but I do need to
work on getting financial freedom.
My family was not rich as I grew up, this has a lot to do with
this fear of lack. It is an issue with me now and has been throughout my life. I would definitely strive to know how
to handle this situation. I have an endless list of things
that I would do with financial freedom.
I was recently introduced to EFT; it is simply marvelous to do
on a daily basis.
Any suggestions in addition to the above? I am open to all that
enlightens to create good vibes for myself and the universe.

Thursday 7 July 2011

Charity ~ Good Deeds.

If we indulge in charity, helping others, doing good to other people, then our good karma increases and our bad karma decreases. Also you needn't only share money always, but charity or good deeds also means sharing emotions, knowledge or love. Even lending an ear to a distressed soul is a good deed.

But often times when we do good, a little thought comes in our mind that ok it's so nice that we are doing good or maybe something like.. we are doing good, God will do good to us too. Well, this way we diminish the true purpose of charity, as this tiny negative ego thought arises.

So, in essence what to do, if this but natural thought occurs in our mind?
We should think: God this is for you. I'm doing this because I'm so blessed by you... hence I can share this with others. God thank you for blessing me.

It's this simple a thought but it can make a sea of difference in your outlook.

... Miracles will then manifest in your life because you have sent out an act of service..

God Bless You and have a miraculous life.

Sunday 3 July 2011

Karma Release Prayer.

Our souls have come a long way. In each life we did some good and some bad deeds which affect our present lives. The cycle of action and reaction continues as they say. Unfortunately, when we are born, God takes the learnings and the memory of our past lives- it's almost start afresh. We get rewarded and punished in this life due to our past.

Well certainly no- one likes to be punished for something we don't even remember !

But don't worry friends, now there is a way that we can ask for soul forgiveness for the past act which may be causing " bumpiness" currently. This method doesn't entail the expensive past regression therapy but it's an easy remedy which everyone can practice for free.

Outlined is the procedure>>

You need: a plain white sheet of paper, 5 or 7 Tulsi leaves, tea- lite candle and a steel plate.

Write the following on the paper:

Beloved God and Beloved Lords of Karma, I place my petition to release to all the negative karma of all incarnations which have caused - ( the present situation: Refrain using negative words to describe the negative situation as much as possible, since we don't want to clog the universe with negative thoughts). I ask - ( for ideal situation). I ask that this be done peacefully, gracefully, instantaneously now. For this act of kindness and mercy I'm eternally grateful to you Thank you. Thank you Thank you.

On the steel plate, place the Tulsi leaves, the paper and the tea- lite.
Light the tea- lite.
Focus on the light for a minute- Ask God to engulf the flame in his eternal flame.
Visualize the end result only. Don't visualize how you will achieve this.. The divine has his ways of doing things. Just concentrate on the end..

Repeat the process for 21 days or more.

Stay Happy -)

Sunday 27 March 2011

The Mighty Astrea!

Mighty Astrea is the great Lord of protection. He has a sword that can cut negative habits, negative energies, addictions around us. e.g.- impatience, judging people, impulsiveness, arrogance etc.
He protects our Aura.

To let you know, there are 4 lords of protection- Archangel Michael, Guru Gobind Singh Ji, Hanuman Ji and Mighty Astrea.

So simply ask for Mighty Astrea to help you cut the negative chords. Imagine that he hands you his sword and you have these chords around you of each negative thing you want to be ridden off. Concentrate on the negative energy and how you want to get rid off it. Then use the sword and slash the chord of negativity.

Simple and Effective -)

Importance of forgiving fast !

Yes, forgiveness has been discussed earlier. But I'll come back to it here as I'd like you to know, that good thoughts can't pass the bad thoughts. For example, if we are angry at someone, and if we try to think " positively" about the situation, our reaction would often be - why should I resolve issues with him since I still feel hurt or jealous or any xyz negative emotion.
Therefore, our good thought couldn't go to the Universe, since the bad one's stopped it from going.. hence forgive fast !  The Karma had to be done. The account had to be settled and is over now. So be happy and forgive fast. !

Also, do the EMF- as it clears the Aura- which may be clogged of negative feelings, energies etc.

Stay Happy !

Free Will and Co- Creation.

I have discussed the topic of Co- Creation with God earlier but in this post, I'd like to highlight something very vital.

Currently, our free will is 10 %. Therefore initially when we try to co- create, it often fails, since God doesn't trust us much with the power of creating for ourself, fearing that we may get hurt in doing so, since we don't know the best for ourself.
But when we grow spiritually, this free will quotient increases exponentially. Therefore, when masters try to co- create, it happens instantaneously.

Therefore, clean your Aura- performing the EMF, daily.

The Power of 8.

8 is a very powerful number. Turned around it becomes the symbol of infinity. Many a times people can't handle the power of this number and therefore in various religions 8 is known as an evil number connected with self destruction etc. As when the power of infinity comes it becomes difficult to handle.
But in this post, I'll talk to you about how bad relations with someone can be mended.

Imagine 8 on the floor. As it is made up of 2 circles - you stand inside one circle and the other person stands in the opposite one. You'll possibly feel the other person is trying to jump into your circle, so you ask him to go back into his. Inside the 8, visualize golden and white energy. Surround the boundary of 8 with the protection color- blue color.
So imagine talking to the other person about whatever issues you have. Once you are done with that, and you feel both are happy- take a pair of golden scissors and cut the middle of the knot of 8.
Now it's one full circle and things will be peaceful.