Sunday, 27 March 2011

The Deathly Hallows.

Death is a depressing topic for most. In our lives, we have experienced or will experience the parting of a very beloved soul. We ourselves will depart from Earth at some point in time.

So in this post, I'd like to share with you about what happens when we die.
It is said that for 3 days our soul rests on this planet after our physical body " dies". The soul leaves the body and it feels light and flies. It possibly sees all the people mourning around the dead body, which it then realizes is the soul's carrier or rather was.

After 3 days, the soul goes to the cave of creation - which is said to be a physical place inside the Earth. The cave of creation is the place, where we left the maximum of our soul power/ essence, before entering this world/ physical body. This was because, the body is incapable of handling such great powers of the soul.
Our star name - soul name is also mentioned on the soul essence.
So this cave of creation- is an illuminated tunnel and it takes 72 hours for the soul to cross it. It is lit up all the time, as everyone's soul essence lies there, in crystals.
Therefore, it takes 72 hours for all the Earthly attachments to be gone. But the emotions, feelings and thoughts go with us. All this is carried with us then in our next life. Therefore it's ver important to be a peaceful state when one dies. We should be spiritually clean.
After this, our soul goes to the higher levels, and it has many a duties to perform. It simply doesn't laze around :) At these higher levels, the soul becomes a co- creator with God.

Mourning- Obviously when someone very close to us dies, our heart cries. Yes, it's sad, but what's worse is if we keep mourning for the departed soul.
Mourning is a great dis-service to the departed soul because the departed soul has to carry many other duties and if we continue mourning, we don't allow it to continue on it's journey.
To give you an analogy - if a child goes to study abroad and the mother keeps missing him, thereby calling him every 2 hours, the child wouldn't be able to carry out the duties he's supposed to do and would probably just come back since he wasn't left in peace.

Therefore, it's crucial to understand that mourning is wrong.

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